SE Computer Engineering practical 2 solution

SE Computer Engineering Practical 2 solution


Write a Python program to store marks scored in the subject “Fundamental of Data Structure” by N students in the class. Write functions to compute the following:
a) The average score of class
b) the Highest score and the lowest score of the class
c) Count of students who were absent for the test
d) Display the mark with the highest frequency.


# Function for count of student absent for test

def absentSC(listOfStudent, numberOfStudent):
   count = 0
   for i in range(numberOfStudent):
       if listOfStudent[i] == 0:
           count += 1
   return count

# Function for Maximum-------------------------------------------->>

def maxMarks(listOfStudent, numberOfStudent):
   max = 0
   for i in range(numberOfStudent):
       if max < listOfStudent[i]:
           max = listOfStudent[i]

   return max

# Function to calculate largest marks frequency

def largestMFreq(numberOfStudent, listOfStudent):
   count = 0
   check = maxMarks(listOfStudent, numberOfStudent)

   for i in range(numberOfStudent):
       if check == listOfStudent[i]:
           count += 1
   return count

# Function to calculate minimum marks frequency

def minMFreq(numberOfStudent, listOfStudent):
   count = 0
   check = minMarks(listOfStudent, numberOfStudent)

   for i in range(numberOfStudent):
       if check == listOfStudent[i]:
           count += 1
   return count

# Function for Minimum------------------------------------------->>>

def minMarks(listOfStudent, numberOfStudent):
   min = listOfStudent[0]
   for i in range(numberOfStudent):
       if min > listOfStudent[i]:
           min = listOfStudent[i]

   return min

# Function for Average--------------------------------->>>

def averageOfMarks(listOfStudent, numberOfStudent):
   sumInitialize = 0
   for i in range(numberOfStudent):
       sumInitialize += listOfStudent[i]

   return (sumInitialize / numberOfStudent)

# main program---->>

loop = True
listOfStudent = []
numberOfStudent = int(input("Enter No of Student: "))
count = 1

for i in range(numberOfStudent):
   marks = int(input(f"Enter marks for student {count}: "))
   count += 1

def showList():
       "--------------------Select Your Choice From Following list-----------------\n1) Enter 1 for Average\n2) Enter 2 for Maximum\n3) Enter 3 for Minimum\n4)Enter 4 for Largest Marks Frequency\n5)Enter 5 for minimum Marks Frequency\n6)Enter 6 for Count of absent student\n7) Enter 7 to create new list of marks\n8) Enter 8 to exit")


while loop:
   choice = input("Enter your choice: ")
   if choice == "1":
       print("Average marks obtained by student is:", averageOfMarks(listOfStudent, numberOfStudent))

   elif choice == "2":
       print("Maximum marks obtained by student is: ", maxMarks(listOfStudent, numberOfStudent))

   elif choice == "3":
       print("Minimum marks obtained by student is: ", minMarks(listOfStudent, numberOfStudent))

   elif choice == "4":
       print(f"{maxMarks(listOfStudent, numberOfStudent)} is largest marks and its frequency is: ",
             largestMFreq(numberOfStudent, listOfStudent))

   elif choice == "5":
       print(minMarks(listOfStudent, numberOfStudent), " is minimum marks and its frequency is: ",
             minMFreq(numberOfStudent, listOfStudent))

   elif choice == "6":
       print("Number of absent student are: ", absentSC(listOfStudent, numberOfStudent))

   elif choice == "7":
       print("New list created")
       listOfStudent = []

       numberOfStudent = int(input("Enter No of Student: "))
       count = 1

       for i in range(numberOfStudent):
           marks = int(input(f"Enter marks for student {count}: "))
           count += 1
           "--------------------Select Your Choice From Following list-----------------\n1) Enter 1 for Average\n2) Enter 2 for Maximum\n3) Enter 3 for Minimum\n4)Enter 4 for Largest Marks Frequency\n5)Enter 5 for minimum Marks Frequency\n6)Enter 6 for Count of absent student\n7) Enter 7 to create new list of marks\n8) Enter 8 to exit")
   elif choice == "8":
       loop = False
       print("You entered wrong choice try again")


Enter No of Student: 5
Enter marks for student 1: 56
Enter marks for student 2: 76
Enter marks for student 3: 34
Enter marks for student 4: 0
Enter marks for student 5: 87
--------------------Select Your Choice From Following list-----------------
1) Enter 1 for Average
2) Enter 2 for Maximum
3) Enter 3 for Minimum
4)Enter 4 for Largest Marks Frequency
5)Enter 5 for minimum Marks Frequency
6)Enter 6 for Count of absent student
7) Enter 7 to create new list of marks
8) Enter 8 to exit
Enter your choice: 1
Average marks obtained by student is: 50.6
Enter your choice: 2
Maximum marks obtained by student is:  87
Enter your choice: 3
Minimum marks obtained by student is:  0
Enter your choice: 4
87 is largest marks and its frequency is:  1
Enter your choice: 5
0  is minimum marks and its frequency is:  1
Enter your choice: 6
Number of absent student are:  1
Enter your choice: 7
New list created
Enter No of Student: 2
Enter marks for student 1: 23
Enter marks for student 2: 32
--------------------Select Your Choice From Following list-----------------
1) Enter 1 for Average
2) Enter 2 for Maximum
3) Enter 3 for Minimum
4)Enter 4 for Largest Marks Frequency
5)Enter 5 for minimum Marks Frequency
6)Enter 6 for Count of absent student
7) Enter 7 to create new list of marks
8) Enter 8 to exit
Enter your choice: 8
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