SE Computer Engineering Practical 10 solution

SE Computer Engineering Practical 10 solution


Write a python program to maintain club members, sort on roll numbers in ascending order.
Write a function “Ternary_Search” to search whether a particular student is a member of a club or not.
Ternary search is a modified binary search that divides an array into 3 halves instead of two.


def accept_roll():
   roll_no = []
   no_of_students = int(input("Enter the number of students  : "))
   for i in range(no_of_students):
       roll_no.append(int(input("Enter Roll Number of Student {0} : ".format(i + 1))))
   return roll_no

# Printing the Roll Numbers of the Students

def print_roll(roll_no):
   for i in range(len(roll_no)):
       print(roll_no[i], sep="\n")

# Insertion Sort for Sorting the list of Roll Numbers

def insertion_sort(roll_no):
   for i in range(1, len(roll_no)):
       key = roll_no[i]
       j = i - 1
       while j >= 0 and key < roll_no[j]:
           roll_no[j + 1] = roll_no[j]
           j -= 1
           roll_no[j + 1] = key
   return roll_no

# Function for performing Non-Recursive Ternary Search

def NR_Ternary_Search(roll, roll_find):
   left = 0
   right = len(roll) - 1
   while left <= right:
       mid1 = left + (right - left) // 3
       mid2 = left + 2 * (right - left) // 3
       if roll_find == roll[left]:
           return left
       elif roll_find == roll[right]:
           return right
       elif roll_find < roll[left] or roll_find > roll[right]:
           return -1
       elif roll_find <= roll[mid1]:
           right = mid1
       elif roll[mid1] < roll_find <= roll[mid2]:
           left = mid1 + 1
           right = mid2
           left = mid2 + 1
   return -1

# Function for performing Recursive Ternary Search

def R_Ternary_Search(roll, left, right, roll_find):
   if right >= left:
       mid1 = left + (right - left) // 3
       mid2 = right - (right - left) // 3
       if roll[mid1] == roll_find:
           return mid1
       if roll[mid2] == roll_find:
           return mid2

       if roll_find < roll[mid1]:
           return R_Ternary_Search(roll, left, mid1 - 1, roll_find)
       elif roll_find > roll[mid2]:
           return R_Ternary_Search(roll, mid2 + 1, right, roll_find)
           return R_Ternary_Search(roll, mid1 + 1, mid2 - 1, roll_find)
   return -1

# Main

unsort_Roll = []
sort_Roll = []
flag = 1

while flag == 1:
   print("1. Accept Student Roll Numbers")
   print("2. Display the Roll Numbers of Student")
   print("3. Sort Roll Numbers from the list")
   print("4. Perform Non-Recursive Ternary Search")
   print("5. Perform Recursive Ternary Search")
   print("6. Exit\n")

   ch = int(input("Enter your choice (from 1 to 6) : "))

   if ch == 1:
       unsort_Roll = accept_roll()

   elif ch == 2:

   elif ch == 3:
       print("Elements after performing Insertion Sort : \n")
       sort_Roll = insertion_sort(unsort_Roll)

   elif ch == 4:
       find_roll = int(input("Enter the Roll Number to be searched : "))
       index = NR_Ternary_Search(sort_Roll, find_roll)
       if index != -1:
           print("The Roll Number", find_roll, "is found at position", index + 1)
           print("Roll Number", find_roll, "nor found!!")

   elif ch == 5:
       find_roll = int(input("Enter the Roll Number to be searched : "))
       left = 0
       right = len(sort_Roll) - 1
       index = R_Ternary_Search(sort_Roll, left, right, find_roll)
       if index != -1:
           print("The Roll Number", find_roll, "is found at position", index + 1)
           print("Roll Number", find_roll, "nor found!!")

   elif ch == 6:
       print("Thanks for using this program!!")
       flag = 0

       print("Wrong choice!!")
       flag = 0


1. Accept Student Roll Numbers
2. Display the Roll Numbers of Student
3. Sort Roll Numbers from the list
4. Perform Non-Recursive Ternary Search
5. Perform Recursive Ternary Search
6. Exit

Enter your choice (from 1 to 6) : 1
Enter the number of students  : 5
Enter Roll Number of Student 1 : 12
Enter Roll Number of Student 2 : 56
Enter Roll Number of Student 3 : 7
Enter Roll Number of Student 4 : 76
Enter Roll Number of Student 5 : 34

1. Accept Student Roll Numbers
2. Display the Roll Numbers of Student
3. Sort Roll Numbers from the list
4. Perform Non-Recursive Ternary Search
5. Perform Recursive Ternary Search
6. Exit

Enter your choice (from 1 to 6) : 2

1. Accept Student Roll Numbers
2. Display the Roll Numbers of Student
3. Sort Roll Numbers from the list
4. Perform Non-Recursive Ternary Search
5. Perform Recursive Ternary Search
6. Exit

Enter your choice (from 1 to 6) : 3
Elements after performing Insertion Sort : 


1. Accept Student Roll Numbers
2. Display the Roll Numbers of Student
3. Sort Roll Numbers from the list
4. Perform Non-Recursive Ternary Search
5. Perform Recursive Ternary Search
6. Exit

Enter your choice (from 1 to 6) : 4
Enter the Roll Number to be searched : 56
The Roll Number 56 is found at position 4

1. Accept Student Roll Numbers
2. Display the Roll Numbers of Student
3. Sort Roll Numbers from the list
4. Perform Non-Recursive Ternary Search
5. Perform Recursive Ternary Search
6. Exit

Enter your choice (from 1 to 6) : 5
Enter the Roll Number to be searched : 12
The Roll Number 12 is found at position 2

1. Accept Student Roll Numbers
2. Display the Roll Numbers of Student
3. Sort Roll Numbers from the list
4. Perform Non-Recursive Ternary Search
5. Perform Recursive Ternary Search
6. Exit

Enter your choice (from 1 to 6) : 6
Thanks for using this program!!

Process finished with exit code 0
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