SE Computer Engineering Practical 13 solution
Write a python program to store first year percentage of students in array.
Write function for sorting array of floating point numbers in ascending order using quick sort and display top five scores.
def input_percentage():
perc = []
number_of_students = int(input("Enter the number of Students : "))
for i in range(number_of_students):
perc.append(float(input("Enter the percentage of Student {0} : ".format(i + 1))))
return perc
# Function for printing the percentage of the Students
def print_percentage(perc):
for i in range(len(perc)):
print(perc[i], sep="\n")
# Function for performing partition of the Data
def percentage_partition(perc, start, end):
pivot = perc[start]
lower_bound = start + 1
upper_bound = end
while True:
while lower_bound <= upper_bound and perc[lower_bound] <= pivot:
lower_bound += 1
while lower_bound <= upper_bound and perc[upper_bound] >= pivot:
upper_bound -= 1
if lower_bound <= upper_bound:
perc[lower_bound], perc[upper_bound] = perc[upper_bound], perc[lower_bound]
perc[start], perc[upper_bound] = perc[upper_bound], perc[start]
return upper_bound
# Function for performing Quick Sort on the Data
def Quick_Sort(perc, start, end):
while start < end:
partition = percentage_partition(perc, start, end)
Quick_Sort(perc, start, partition - 1)
Quick_Sort(perc, partition + 1, end)
return perc
# Function for Displaying Top Five Percentages of Students
def display_top_five(perc):
print("Top Five Percentages are : ")
if len(perc) < 5:
start, stop = len(perc) - 1, -1
start, stop = len(perc) - 1, len(perc) - 6
for i in range(start, stop, -1):
print(perc[i], sep="\n")
unsorted_percentage = []
sorted_percentage = []
flag = 1
while flag == 1:
print("1. Accept the Percentage of Students")
print("2. Display the Percentages of Students")
print("3. Perform Quick Sort on the Data")
print("4. Exit")
ch = int(input("Enter your choice (from 1 to 4) : "))
if ch == 1:
unsorted_percentage = input_percentage()
elif ch == 2:
elif ch == 3:
print("Percentages of Students after performing Quick Sort : ")
sorted_percentage = Quick_Sort(unsorted_percentage, 0, len(unsorted_percentage) - 1)
a = input("Do you want to display the Top 5 Percentages of Students (yes/no) : ")
if a == 'yes':
elif ch == 4:
print("Thanks for using this program!!")
flag = 0
print("Invalid Choice!!")
--------------------MENU-------------------- 1. Accept the Percentage of Students 2. Display the Percentages of Students 3. Perform Quick Sort on the Data 4. Exit Enter your choice (from 1 to 4) : 1 Enter the number of Students : 7 Enter the percentage of Student 1 : 45 Enter the percentage of Student 2 : 76 Enter the percentage of Student 3 : 88 Enter the percentage of Student 4 : 64 Enter the percentage of Student 5 : 89 Enter the percentage of Student 6 : 92 Enter the percentage of Student 7 : 58 --------------------MENU-------------------- 1. Accept the Percentage of Students 2. Display the Percentages of Students 3. Perform Quick Sort on the Data 4. Exit Enter your choice (from 1 to 4) : 2 45.0 76.0 88.0 64.0 89.0 92.0 58.0 --------------------MENU-------------------- 1. Accept the Percentage of Students 2. Display the Percentages of Students 3. Perform Quick Sort on the Data 4. Exit Enter your choice (from 1 to 4) : 3 Percentages of Students after performing Quick Sort : 45.0 58.0 64.0 76.0 88.0 89.0 92.0 Do you want to display the Top 5 Percentages of Students (yes/no) : yes Top Five Percentages are : 92.0 89.0 88.0 76.0 64.0 --------------------MENU-------------------- 1. Accept the Percentage of Students 2. Display the Percentages of Students 3. Perform Quick Sort on the Data 4. Exit Enter your choice (from 1 to 4) : 4 Thanks for using this program!! Process finished with exit code 0