F.E. PPS Unit 2 Practical 3 solution

Practical 3: Program to Determine Whether a Person is Eligible to Vote or Not

Problem Statement

Write a Python program to determine whether a person is eligible to vote or not based on their age. The eligibility criteria are as follows:

  • A person is eligible to vote if their age is 18 years or more.
  • The program should ask for the user’s age and print a message indicating whether they are eligible to vote.

Solution Code 

					# Program to check voting eligibility
# Input: Take age of the person from the user
age = int(input("Enter your age: "))
# Check if the person is eligible to vote
if age >= 18:
	print("You are eligible to vote.")
	print("You are not eligible to vote.")



  • The program will prompt the user to input their age.
  • It will then print a message indicating whether the user is eligible to vote or not.

Example outputs for different inputs:

For age above or equal to 18:

					Enter your age: 18
You are eligible to vote.
Process finished with exit code 0

For age below 18:

					Enter your age: 15
You are not eligible to vote.
Process finished with exit code 0


Below is the explanation of F.E. PPS Unit 2 Practical 3 solution where we have written Python program to determine whether a person is eligible to vote or not.

  1. Input of Age:
    • The program asks the user to input their age using the input() function. The input is converted to an integer using the int() function.
  2. Eligibility Check:
    • The program uses an if-else statement to check if the age is greater than or equal to 18.
      • If the age is 18 or greater, it prints: “You are eligible to vote.”
      • Otherwise, it prints: “You are not eligible to vote.”
  3. Displaying the Result:
    • Based on the result of the condition, the program prints the appropriate message indicating the user’s voting eligibility.


Key Concept Learned

  • Conditional Statements (if-else):
    • This program demonstrates how to use conditional statements (if-else) in Python to make decisions based on the user’s input.
    • It also shows how to compare values (in this case, the user’s age) to determine the outcome.
  • Input and Type Conversion:
    • The program also illustrates how to take user input and convert it to the correct data type (int in this case) for comparison.
  • Decision Making in Python:
    • By using an if condition, the program is able to branch and execute different code based on the age input.
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