F.E. PPS Unit 3 Practical 3 solution

Practical 3: Program to Calculate and Display the Power of a Number Without Using Formatting Characters

Problem Statement

Write a Python program to calculate and display the power of a number without using formatting characters.
The program should:

  • Accept a base number and an exponent from the user.
  • Compute the result using the exponentiation operator (**).
  • Display the result without using formatting techniques like format() or f-strings.

Solution Code

					# Program to display the power of a number without using formatting characters

# Input: Take base and exponent from the user
base = int(input("Enter the base number: "))
exponent = int(input("Enter the exponent: "))

# Calculating power
result = base ** exponent

# Output the result
print("The result of", base, "raised to the power of", exponent, "is", result)



  • The program will take two integer inputs: a base and an exponent.
  • It will calculate the power using the ** operator.
  • The result will be displayed in a simple output format.

Example output:

					Enter the exponent: 10
The result of 2 raised to the power of 10 is 1024
Process finished with exit code 0


Below is the explanation of F.E. PPS Unit 3 Practical 3 solution where we have written Python program to calculate and display the power of a number without using formatting characters.

  1. Taking Input from the User:
    • The input() function is used to take two integer values from the user: base and exponent.
    • The int() function converts the input from string to an integer.
  2. Calculating the Power:
    • The ** operator is used to calculate the power (base ** exponent).
    • The result is stored in the variable result.
  3. Displaying the Output:
    • The print() function is used to display the result.
    • String concatenation is avoided, and values are separated using commas in print().

Key Concepts Learned

  • Exponentiation Using ** Operator:
    • The ** operator is used to compute powers in Python.
  • Basic Input and Output Handling:
    • Taking user input, performing calculations, and displaying results.
  • String Concatenation with print():
    • Instead of using formatting methods, values are printed using commas in print(), which automatically adds spaces.
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