F.E. PPS Unit 3 Practical 5 solution

Practical 5: Program to Demonstrate Slice Operation on String Objects.

Problem Statement

Write a Python program to demonstrate slice operations on string objects.
The program should:

  • Accept a string as input from the user.
  • Perform slicing operations to extract specific parts of the string.
  • Display the results of various slicing techniques.

Solution Code

					# Program to demonstrate slice operation on string objects

# Taking input from the user
string = input("Enter a string: ")

# Performing different slicing operations
first_five_chars = string[:5]   # Extracts the first five characters
last_five_chars = string[-5:]   # Extracts the last five characters
middle_part = string[2:7]       # Extracts characters from index 2 to 6
every_second_char = string[::2] # Extracts every second character
reversed_string = string[::-1]  # Reverses the string

# Displaying results
print("First 5 characters:", first_five_chars)
print("Last 5 characters:", last_five_chars)
print("Middle part (index 2 to 6):", middle_part)
print("Every second character:", every_second_char)
print("Reversed string:", reversed_string)


Expected Outcome

  • The program takes a string input from the user.
  • It extracts and displays specific slices of the string.
  • The output shows different slicing operations applied to the string.
					Enter a string: Hello World
First 5 characters: Hello
Last 5 characters: World
Middle part (index 2 to 6): llo W
Every second character: HloWrd
Reversed string: dlrow olleH
Process finished with exit code 0


Below is the explanation of F.E. PPS Unit 3 Practical 5 solution where we have written Python program to demonstrate slice operations on string objects.

  1. Taking Input from the User:
    • The input() function is used to accept a string from the user.
  2. Performing Slice Operations:
    • string[:5] → Extracts the first five characters.
    • string[-5:] → Extracts the last five characters.
    • string[2:7] → Extracts characters from index 2 to 6.
    • string[::2] → Extracts every second character (skipping one character).
    • string[::-1] → Reverses the string.
  3. Displaying the Results:
    • The extracted portions are printed using print() statements.

Key Concepts Learned

  • String Slicing ([:])
    • Allows extracting portions of a string using start, stop, and step values.
  • Negative Indexing (-1)
    • Helps access characters from the end of a string.
  • String Reversal Using [::-1]
    • A simple way to reverse a string in Python.
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