F.E. PPS Unit 5 Practical 8 solution

Practical 8: Create Class EMPLOYEE for Storing Details and Functions for Employee Count

Problem Statement

Create a class EMPLOYEE for storing details (Name, Designation, Gender, Date of Joining, Salary). Define function members to compute:

  • Total number of


  • Count of male and female employees.
  • Employees with salary greater than 10,000.
  • Employees with designation “Asst Manager”.

Solution Code

					class Employee:
    total_employees = 0
    male_count = 0
    female_count = 0
    high_salary_count = 0
    asst_manager_count = 0

    def __init__(self, name, designation, gender, dob, salary):
        self.name = name
        self.designation = designation
        self.gender = gender
        self.dob = dob
        self.salary = salary
        Employee.total_employees += 1

        if self.gender == "Male":
            Employee.male_count += 1
        elif self.gender == "Female":
            Employee.female_count += 1

        if self.salary > 10000:
            Employee.high_salary_count += 1

        if self.designation == "Asst Manager":
            Employee.asst_manager_count += 1

    def employee_count(cls):
        print(f"Total Employees: {cls.total_employees}")
        print(f"Male Employees: {cls.male_count}")
        print(f"Female Employees: {cls.female_count}")
        print(f"Employees with Salary > 10,000: {cls.high_salary_count}")
        print(f"Employees with Designation 'Asst Manager': {cls.asst_manager_count}")

# Creating employee objects
emp1 = Employee("Alice", "Asst Manager", "Female", "2020-05-15", 12000)
emp2 = Employee("Bob", "Developer", "Male", "2019-07-12", 9000)

# Displaying employee count and statistics



The program should display total employees, male and female counts, employees with salary greater than 10,000, and employees with the designation “Asst Manager”.

Example Output

					Total Employees: 2
Male Employees: 1
Female Employees: 1
Employees with Salary > 10,000: 1
Employees with Designation 'Asst Manager': 1
Process finished with exit code 0

Explanation of 

  • Class Variables: Class variables are used to track the overall employee statistics.
  • Constructor (__init__): The constructor initializes employee details and updates the class variables accordingly.
  • Class Method: employee_count() prints the summary of employee details.

Key Concepts Learned

  • Class Methods
    • Class methods allow you to interact with class variables.
  • Instance Variables
    • Instance variables are specific to each object and can be used to calculate statistics.
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