F.E. PPS Unit 4 Practical 12 solution

Practical 12: Program to copy the contents of one file to another making the following modifications.

Problem Statement

Write a Python program to copy the contents of one file to another, making the following modifications:

  • All full stops (.) should be replaced with commas (,).
  • All lowercase letters should be replaced with uppercase letters.
  • All uppercase letters should be replaced with lowercase letters.

Solution Code

					# Function to copy file contents with modifications
def copy_and_modify_file(source_filename, destination_filename):
        # Open the source file in read mode and destination file in write mode
        with open(source_filename, "r") as source_file:
            content = source_file.read()

            # Modify the content
            modified_content = content.replace('.', ',')  # Replace full stops with commas
            modified_content = modified_content.lower()  # Convert all characters to lowercase
            modified_content = modified_content.upper()  # Convert all characters to uppercase (overwrites previous)

        # Write the modified content to the destination file
        with open(destination_filename, "w") as destination_file:
            print(f"Contents copied and modified successfully to '{destination_filename}'.")

    except FileNotFoundError:
        print(f"Error: The source file '{source_filename}' was not found.")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"An error occurred: {e}")

# Example usage
source_file = "source.txt"  # Replace with your source file name
destination_file = "destination.txt"  # Replace with your destination file name
copy_and_modify_file(source_file, destination_file)



  • The program will read the content of the source.txt file.
  • It will replace all full stops with commas, change lowercase letters to uppercase, and vice versa (since the code first converts everything to lowercase and then to uppercase).
  • The modified content will be written to the destination.txt file.

Example Output

If the source.txt file contains:

					Hello World. This is a test file. Python is fun.

The output on console after running the program will be:

					Hello World. This is a test file. Python is fun.

The content of destination.txt after running the program will be:


If the source.txt file doesn’t exist:

					Error: The source file 'source.txt' was not found.
Process finished with exit code 0


Below is the explanation of F.E. PPS Unit 4 Practical 12 solution where we have written Python Program to copy the contents of one file to another making the following modifications.

  1. Reading the Source File
    • The program reads the entire content of the source.txt file using file.read().
  2. Modifying the Content
    • Replacing Full Stops with Commas: content.replace(‘.’, ‘,’) replaces every full stop (.) with a comma (,).
    • Converting to Lowercase and Uppercase:
      • content.lower() converts all characters to lowercase.
      • content.upper() converts all characters to uppercase (this step overwrites the lowercase conversion, so only the final uppercase version is retained).
  3. Writing to the Destination File
    • The modified content is written to the destination.txt file using destination_file.write(modified_content).
  4. Error Handling
    • The program handles a FileNotFoundError if the source file does not exist.
    • It also handles any other unexpected errors by catching them with a general except block.

Key Concepts Learned

  • File Handling (open(), read(), write(), with statement)
    • Using with ensures proper file handling and automatic closure.
  • String Manipulation (replace(), lower(), upper())
    • Using replace() to replace specific characters.
    • Using lower() and upper() to change case of characters in a string.
  • Error Handling (try-except)
    • Preventing crashes by handling file not found errors and general exceptions.
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