M.Sc Python Programming Assignment 10

M.Sc Python Programming Assignments

Assignment 10



Write a program (using functions!) that asks the user for a long string containing multiple 

words. Print back to the user the same string, except with the words in backwards order.

E.g “ I am Msc student”

is :”student Msc am I”


					def reverse_words(string):
    words = string.split()
    reversed_words = words[::-1]
    reversed_string = " ".join(reversed_words)
    return reversed_string

input_string = input("Enter a long string with multiple words: ")

reversed_string = reverse_words(input_string)

print("Reversed string:")



					Enter a long string with multiple words: He wanted to travel and explore new places, so he saved up money.
Reversed string:
money. up saved he so places, new explore and travel to wanted He

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