F.E. PPS Unit 1 Practical 2 solution

Practical 2: Display Data of Different Types Using Variables and Literal Constants

Problem Statement:

Write a Python program to display different data types using variables and literal constants.

Solution Code:

					# Displaying data using variables and literal constants

# Integer type
int_var = 25
print("Integer (Variable):", int_var)
print("Integer (Literal Constant):", 100)
# Float type
float_var = 12.34
print("Float (Variable):", float_var)
print("Float (Literal Constant):", 3.14)
# String type
str_var = "Python Programming"
print("String (Variable):", str_var)
print("String (Literal Constant):", "Hello, World!")
# Boolean type
bool_var = True
print("Boolean (Variable):", bool_var)
print("Boolean (Literal Constant):", False)
# Complex type
complex_var = 4 + 5j
print("Complex (Variable):", complex_var)
print("Complex (Literal Constant):", 2 + 3j)



  • The program will display the values of different data types (integer, float, string, boolean, and complex) from both variables and literal constants.
  • The output will look something like this:
					Integer (Variable): 25 
Integer (Literal Constant): 100 
Float (Variable): 12.34 
Float (Literal Constant): 3.14 
String (Variable): Python Programming 
String (Literal Constant): Hello, World! 
Boolean (Variable): True 
Boolean (Literal Constant): False 
Complex (Variable): (4+5j) 
Complex (Literal Constant): (2+3j) 
Process finished with exit code 0


Below is the explanation of F.E. PPS Unit 1 Practical 2 solution where we have written Python program to display different data types using variables and literal constants.

  1. Integer Data Type:
    • We declare int_var = 25 as a variable.
    • We directly use 100 as a literal constant.
  2. Float Data Type:
    • float_var = 12.34 is a float variable.
    • 3.14 is a float literal constant.
  3. String Data Type:
    • str_var = “Python Programming” is a string variable.
    • “Hello, World!” is a string literal constant.
  4. Boolean Data Type:
    • bool_var = True is a boolean variable.
    • False is a boolean literal constant.
  5. Complex Number Data Type:
    • complex_var = 4 + 5j is a complex number variable.
    • 2 + 3j is a complex number literal constant.

Key Concept Learned

  • Difference between variables and literal constants.
  • Displaying different data types (int, float, str, bool, complex) in Python.
  • Using print() to output both variables and constants.
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