Practical 1: To demonstrate type conversion type casting Python program to demonstrate type conversion type casting and the use of comments in Python.
Problem Statement
Write a Python program to demonstrate type conversion, type casting, and the use of comments in Python.
- Type conversion refers to the process of converting one data type to another.
- Type casting is used to change the type of a variable explicitly in Python.
The program should:
- Take an integer input from the user.
- Convert it to a string.
- Perform type casting back to integer and print the results.
- Demonstrate the use of comments in Python code
Solution Code
# Program to demonstrate type conversion and type casting
# Input: Take an integer input from the user
num = int(input("Enter an integer: "))
# Convert the integer to a string
num_str = str(num)
# Type casting: Convert string back to integer
num_int = int(num_str)
# Output results
print(f"Original Integer: {num}")
print(f"Converted to String: {num_str}")
print(f"Converted back to Integer: {num_int}")
- The program will prompt the user to input an integer.
- It will then display the following:
- The original integer.
- The integer converted to a string.
- The string converted back to an integer
Enter an integer: 10
Original Integer: 10
Converted to String: 10
Converted back to Integer: 10
Process finished with exit code 0
Below is the explanation of F.E. PPS Unit2 Practical 1 solution where we have written Python program to demonstrate type conversion type casting Python program to demonstrate type conversion type casting and the use of comments in Python.
- Input of Integer:
- The program starts by asking the user to input an integer using the input() function. The input is then converted to an integer type using int().
- Type Conversion (Integer to String):
- The integer is then converted to a string using str(). This demonstrates type conversion where the value of the integer is now represented as a string.
- Type Casting (String back to Integer):
- The string value is converted back into an integer using int(). This demonstrates type casting, where we explicitly change the data type from string back to integer.
- Displaying the Results:
- The program prints all three values: the original integer, the string representation, and the integer obtained after casting back.
Key Concept Learned
- Type Conversion and Type Casting:
- The practical helps in understanding how type conversion works, with explicit examples of converting an integer to a string and then back to an integer.
- Comments in Python:
- The program also demonstrates how to use comments effectively in Python. Comments are added using the # symbol, and they are not executed by the program. They help explain what the code is doingt