Hrushikesh Bhujbal

SE Computer Engineering Practical 18 solution

SE Computer Engineering Practical 18 solution Question: Write a python program to store names and mobile numbers of your friends in sorted order on names. Search your friend from list using binary search (recursive and nonrecursive). Insert friend if not present in phonebook Code: Output: Enter the details of your friends: Name (or ‘exit’ to …

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SE Computer Engineering Practical 14 solution

SE Computer Engineering Practical 14 solution Question: Write a python program to store 12’th class percentage of students in array. Write function for sorting array of floating point numbers in ascending order using bucket sort and display top five scores Code: Output: ——————–MENU——————– 1. Accept the Percentage of Students 2. Display the Percentages of Students …

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SE Computer Engineering Practical 13 solution

SE Computer Engineering Practical 13 solution Question: Write a python program to store first year percentage of students in array. Write function for sorting array of floating point numbers in ascending order using quick sort and display top five scores. Code: Output: ——————–MENU——————– 1. Accept the Percentage of Students 2. Display the Percentages of Students …

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