SE Computer Engineering Practical 9 solution

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SE Computer Engineering Practical 9 solution


Write a python program to store roll numbers of students in an array who attended a training program in random order.
Write a function for searching whether a particular student attended a training program or not, using Linear search and Sentinel search


def accept_array(A):
   n = int(input("Enter the total no. of student : "))
   for i in range(n):
       x = int(input("Enter the  roll no of student %d : " % (i + 1)))
   print("Student Info accepted successfully\n\n")
   return n

def display_array(A, n):
   if n == 0:
       print("\nNo records in the database")
       print("Students  Array : ", end=' ')
       for i in range(n):
           print("%d  " % A[i], end=' ')

def Linear_Search(A, n, X):
   for i in range(n):
       if A[i] == X:
           return i  # found so returning the position i.e index
   return -1  # Not  found

def Sentinel_Search(A, n, X):
   last = A[n - 1]
   i = 0
   A[n - 1] = X  # Here X is the roll_no to be searched.
   while A[i] != X:
       i = i + 1
   A[n - 1] = last
   if (i < n - 1) or (X == A[n - 1]):
       return i  # roll_no found at location i
       return -1  # roll_no not found"

def Main():
   A = []
   while True:
       print("\t1 : Accept & Display Students info ")
       print("\t2 : Linear Search")
       print("\t3 : Sentinel Search")
       print("\t4 : Exit")
       ch = int(input("Enter your choice : "))
       if ch == 4:
           print("End of Program")
       elif ch == 1:
           A = []
           n = accept_array(A)
           display_array(A, n)
       elif ch == 2:
           X = int(input("Enter the roll_no to be searched : "))
           flag = Linear_Search(A, n, X)
           if flag == -1:
               print("\tRoll no to be Searched not Found\n")
               print("\tRoll no found at location %d" % (flag + 1))
       elif ch == 3:
           X = int(input("Enter the roll_no to be searched : "))
           flag = Sentinel_Search(A, n, X)
           if flag == -1:
               print("\tRoll no to be Searched not Found\n")
               print("\tRoll no found at location %d" % (flag + 1))
           print("Wrong choice entered !! Try again")



1 : Accept & Display Students info 
	2 : Linear Search
	3 : Sentinel Search
	4 : Exit
Enter your choice : 1
Enter the total no. of student : 5
Enter the  roll no of student 1 : 45
Enter the  roll no of student 2 : 22
Enter the  roll no of student 3 : 32
Enter the  roll no of student 4 : 10
Enter the  roll no of student 5 : 6
Student Info accepted successfully

Students  Array :  45   22   32   10   6   

	1 : Accept & Display Students info 
	2 : Linear Search
	3 : Sentinel Search
	4 : Exit
Enter your choice : 2
Enter the roll_no to be searched : 10
	Roll no found at location 4
	1 : Accept & Display Students info 
	2 : Linear Search
	3 : Sentinel Search
	4 : Exit
Enter your choice : 3
Enter the roll_no to be searched : 22
	Roll no found at location 2
	1 : Accept & Display Students info 
	2 : Linear Search
	3 : Sentinel Search
	4 : Exit
Enter your choice : 2
Enter the roll_no to be searched : 56
	Roll no to be Searched not Found

	1 : Accept & Display Students info 
	2 : Linear Search
	3 : Sentinel Search
	4 : Exit
Enter your choice : 4
End of Program

Process finished with exit code 0
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